The We Do Listen Foundation has created a series of books to teach children important life lessons. Their website has animated books, games, songs, and many other free activities for your child. A great website to expl ore! Paws in Jobland
Paws in Jobland is an online career awareness program designed to help elementary students build self-awareness, identify personal interests and explore the world of work. During the school year, I will be using this program with all students K-6 to start to build career readiness. Instructions and login information for this website will be sent home with all students during the spring career unit.
Julia Cook
Julia Cook's books are a cornerstone of the guidance lessons I use at N-O-W Elementary. A former teacher and school counselor, Julia writes books for children that let them laugh while learning to solve their own problems, use better behavior, and develop healthy relationships. I am a huge fan of Julia Cook's books and use them for all grade levels. I highly encourage you to check out her books for yourself. |