Dear Parent--
Thank you for your interest in our lessons on vaping prevention. You took the most important step in preventing substance use with your child--committing to talking to them! Substance abuse prevention research says parents are the #1 reason kids choose to be alcohol and drug-free. Many parents falsely believe that friends and the media are bigger influences in their child’s life. Not true– actually, parents have the power! Your voice matters!
The program includes three 15-minute conversation starters about vaping. To access the interactive web-based program, go to the www.now.k12.wi.us-> For Parents-> Health Services -> AODA Resources -> Vaping Family Discussion on the menu bar. We would suggest that you complete the lessons in three separate sessions (i.e. the first one this week, the second one next week and the 3rd one the following week). We know these conversations can be difficult and there is a ton of misinformation out there. We want to simplify this process all along the way.
To reward you for being proactive in protecting your child's health, your child will receive a small token of our appreciation upon completion of all three lessons. To receive the token, please follow the link at the end of the lessons to complete a brief survey. We want to provide you with useful information.
If you have questions about this program or difficulty in accessing the program or would like additional resources on the topic of vaping, please visit Monroe County Safe Community Coalition at mcsafecommunities.org or contact Natalie Carlisle at [email protected] or 608 269-2391
Thank you for your partnership!
Monroe County Safe Community Coalition
Monroe County Agents 4 Change Youth Coalition
Monroe County 4-H
Lesson #1
Instructions for parents before beginning the lesson:
- Both the parent and child should select a time and place where they will not be interrupted.
- Allow your child to select a comfortable place to have the discussion.
- Take a few deep breaths and remember this conversation may be uncomfortable for BOTH of you.
- Remember that your child may say that they do not want this conversation or rules, but research shows they DO.
Agreements before beginning (read these together):
We agree that we will…
- Allow each other to speak without interruption
- Keep our voices calm, respectful and non-judgmental
- Be honest with one another
- Provide one another with undivided attention
- Put away and silence our phones and other devices not used for this lesson 6. Be open to learning this information together
- To identify various types of vaping devices
- To learn basic related terminology
- To identify negative health effects
- To begin a discussion about current youth trends
Pre Question (Before viewing the video):
- Parent asks child, “What is a vape?”
Video: https://youtu.be/pLKlJicCGuM
Post Question
- Both parent and child answer: “Was there anything in this video that was new information to you? If so, what?”
- Parent asks child: “Have you seen people vaping (on social media, advertisements, in public, TV, etc.)?”
- Both parent and child answer: “Why do you think they made the choice to vape? is that a good reason?”
- Parent asks child: “Before we had the facts, it was much more common to see people smoking cigarettes.Now, cigarettes are viewed as gross and disgusting. Do you think people will feel the same about vapes in the future?”
- Parent asks child: “Do you think that kids are aware that nicotine is in vapes and that makes them addictive?Do you think that kids who vape think THEY will get addicted?”
- Parent to Child: “Is there anything I can do to help you make sure you don’t vape or smoke?”
Lesson #2
Instructions for parents before beginning the lesson:
- Both the parent and child should select a time and place where they will not be interrupted.
- Allow your child to select a comfortable place to have the discussion.
- Take a few deep breaths and remember this conversation may be uncomfortable for BOTH of you.
- Remember that your child may say that they do not want this conversation or rules, but research shows they DO.
Agreements before beginning (read these together):
We agree that we will…
- Allow each other to speak without interruption
- Keep our voices calm, respectful and non-judgmental
- Be honest with one another
- Provide one another with undivided attention
- Put away and silence our phones and other devices not used for this lesson
- Be open to learning this information together
- To be able to accurately identify what is in vape juice
- Discuss health consequences of ingredients in vape juice
Pre Question (Before viewing the video):
1. Both parent and child answer: Do you know what is in the “vape juice?”
Post Questions:
- Both parent and child answer: “Was there anything in this video that was new information to you? If so, what?”
- Together, quickly research where one can find formaldehyde, cadmium, lead and benzene other than vapes. “Are any of these chemicals found in cigarettes? How many? Are you surprised by the answer?”
- Parent asks: “Do you think kids know that these chemicals are in vape juice? If they knew, would it change their decision? Why?”
- “Given that it takes 20 years for cancer to develop, what do you predict scientists will find 20 years from now regarding the impact of vaping?”
Lesson 3
Instructions for parents before beginning the lesson:
- Both the parent and child should select a time and place where they will not be interrupted.
- Allow your child to select a comfortable place to have the discussion.
- Take a few deep breaths and remember this conversation may be uncomfortable for BOTH of you.
- Remember that your child may say that they do not want this conversation or rules, but research shows they DO.
Agreements before beginning (read these together):
We agree that we will…
- Allow each other to speak without interruption
- Keep our voices calm, respectful and non-judgmental
- Be honest with one another
- Provide one another with undivided attention
- Put away and silence our phones and other devices not used for this lesson
- Be open to learning this information together
- To illustrate the similarities between traditional cigarette marketing tactics and current e-cigarette marketing tactics.
- You Determine Your Future/Too Smart to Start message
Pre Question (Before viewing the video):
1. Parent shares: Share some stories about how, in the past, cigarettes were used in the same way vapes are today (IE: people smoked on planes and in movie theaters, advertising was geared towards young people, cigarettes were available in vending machines). Then tell your child this all changed because research confirmed that tobacco was harmful. Tobacco companies knew this and lied to the public. It started a massive change movement in policy.
Post Questions:
- Parent and child: Go back to each ad comparison in the video. Discuss together how the ads are similar and why vape companies would choose to replicate them.
- Both parent and child answer: “Would it surprise you to know that many vapes are made by tobacco companies?”
- Parent and child answer: “Have you seen any vape ads? Where else have you seen vapes being used?”
- Parent: In 1999, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) sued several major tobacco companies (and won) on the grounds that the tobacco companies had engaged in a decades-long conspiracy to (1) mislead the public about the risks of smoking, (2) mislead the public about the danger of secondhand smoke; (3) misrepresent the addictiveness of nicotine, (4) manipulate the nicotine delivery of cigarettes, (5) deceptively market cigarettes characterized as “light” or “low tar,” while knowing that those cigarettes were at least as hazardous as full flavored cigarettes, (6) target the youth market; and (7) not produce safer cigarettes. As mandated by court order, tobacco companies had to pay for advertisements, such as the following: Click Here: https://vimeo.com/239872238
- Parent and child answer: “Have you seen this ad? Do you see any similarities and differences between Big Tobacco 50 years ago and vaping companies today? What are they?”
- Parent and child: “Do you think this commercial (the one you just saw) cost more or less to make than the commercials for alcohol you see on TV, or the cost of billboard and magazine ads you see for tobacco? Why?”
Thank you so much for completing our 3 courses! Now, to receive your gift click this link https://counties.extension.wisc.edu/monroe/files/2019/10/Vaping-PreventionSurvey2019.pdf and print off the survey. Complete the youth and parent sections, sign the survey and return in a sealed envelope to the MS/HS office. Complete a survey for each child who participated in this program.
We ALWAYS need more parent volunteers at Monroe County Safe Community Coalition. If you are interested in getting involved, please email Natalie at [email protected].